Sunday, March 31, 2019
Nigeria And The Achievements Of Ecowas Politics Essay
Nigeria And The Achievements Of Ecowas Politics EssayThe ECOWAS treaty of 1975 erects for the freedom of driveway and residency. This means the abolition of indorses and the right to reside bothwhere in western hemisphere Africa. The phase one of the protocol guaranteeing free entry of companionship citizens without visa for ninety days was ratified by shargon states in 1980 and became good to usher in an era of free movement of ECOWAS citizens within subdivision states. The right of entry, residence and mental home were to be progressively established within 15 years from the definitive date of entry into force of the protocol.2The Nigerian coronation in the ECOWAS as an organisation has been considerable. At the same time, it has been an investment from which Nigeria has gained much in return. The vast sums of money and resources given by Nigeria to ECOWAS and its member states has been based on what might be cal direct a general insurance of enlightened self post. For example, Nigeria has realized that the promotion of countryal free trade, which is one of the objectives of ECOWAS, is crucial if she is to enjoy the benefits of balanced future economic evolution.3However, in enmity of the big br new(prenominal) role Nigeria plays in ECOWAS, the Buhari government activity was unable to keep on the protocol on free movement of individuals which is required by the member 3 of the ECOWAS treaty. The administration closed the Nigerian borders and expelled illegal aliens. The closure of the Nigerian borders affected Nigerias neighbours to the extent that many western hemisphere African leaders pleaded in public that the borders be re-opened. The closure of the borders resulted in ECOWAS chairmanship existence offered to Buhari at the ECOWAS summit of 1984. yet he turned down the offer giving the excuse that the regime needed total commitment to the domestic issues in Nigeria.4However, in awful 1986, the Babangida regime came to power. This i mpudent regime having realized the dangers inherent in the unbroken closure of the countrys borders with her neighbours decided to re-open them to give a come a colossal to their economies which had been strangulated by Buharis policy.5This clean position however, was not without conditions. In that same year, Nigeria adopted a new immigration policy. According to Mr Dahiru Mohammed, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who was representing Colonel John Shagaya, look of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria had ratified the protocol, and would allow citizens of ECOWAS member states live and work in Nigeria without visas and work permits.6However, single immigrants in six professional categories would be allowed. These intromit engineers, doctors and health personnels, teachers, architects, surveyors and bilingual secretaries. Other professionals such as journalists, lawyers, and accountants, as healthful as unskilled workers will be excluded7. According to him, the cer tificates of professionals in the O.K. six categories would be verified by government agencies, and such immigrants would be required to find employment within six months of arrival, failing which they would be expelled. It was this principle of admissible categories of expatriate professionals that Nigeria put forward to ECOWAS as a basis for the conferment of resident status on a community citizen. This was accepted at the Abuja summit in 1986.8ECOWAS remains the only region in Africa where the citizens do not need a visa to visit one another.3.2TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENTAs part of efforts towards the physiological integration of the sub-region, ECOWAS has embarked on programmes to interconnect existing networks in areas of transport and communications. These are projects capable of promoting integration and constitute the major links in the development of the community. Transport, communications and energy services are a crucial grammatical constituent in improvi ng economic competitiveness and strengthening regional integration. In particular, for export promotion and intra-regional trade, the mendment of road and telecommunications networks, and provision of energy at affordable cost should be treated as key antecedency areas as we strive to carve a place for ECOWAS countries within the humanity economy.9According to analysts, the economic wealth and military power of a state or a nation have been closely tied to efficacious methods of transportation. This provides access to natural resources and promotes trade, allowing a nation to accumulate wealth and power. transferral also allows the movement of soldiers, equipment and supplies.10Nigeria, on her part has realized that her national intereststhe development and expansion of its economy, the raising of the standard of living of its population, and the future physical certificate of its territorycan only be effectively secured by joint programmes of balanced production, disseminat ion and consumption of goods and services on a regional basis. In the farseeing term, an industrialized Nigeria hopes to be able to export manufactured products freely to other west African states as well as to invest instantaneously in the production of raw materials in ECOWAS nations, which would then be apply to supplement local needs.11To this end, Nigeria in the 1970s, to a lower placetook the construction of roads to link up two member states in order to facilitate trade and boost contact among states. For example, the Lagos-Cotonou broad(prenominal)way was constructed at a highly subsidized straddle by the Nigerian government.12On March 6, 2006, the Nigeria-Niger joint commission met in Abuja. At the meeting, the ministers of transport for Nigeria and Niger discussed the building of a rail link from Kaura Namoda through and through Sokoto to Birnin-nKonni in Niger Republic.13Over the years, Nigeria has emphasized and assisted in the creation of the communitys structure s. She believes in the building of strong regional institution as a pre mandatory for the establishment of a meaningful regional integration.14For example, Nigeria has made substantial contributions to the multiplication of hydro-electric power to Niger and also supplied gas to Benin, Togo, Ghana under a 5 million Naira inter ECOWAS pipeline gas project.15The Authority of Heads of State and Government, on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers, approved the Community telecommunications programme known as INTELCOM I at its may 1979 session held in Dakar. The objective of the programme was to improve and expand the sub-regional telecommunications network.The principal objectives of the INTELCOM I programme were as follows to open-up the Member States which did not have reliable links with the outside world to complete the deficient links in the PANAFTEL network in West Africa to establish count on micro wave links amongst the capital cities of Member States to attach te lecommunications traffic within ECOWAS.From 1983 to 1992, the Community, through the ECOWAS Fund, made significant efforts to finance the first-class honours degree programme which attained 95% of its initial objectives as confirmed by the evaluation undertaken by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The Authority directed the executive director Secretariat to elaborate and implement a second telecommunications programme to be known as INTELCOM II.The main objective of the INTELCOM II programme is to provide the Community with a regional telecommunications network that is modern, reliable, and capable of offering a wider variety of services, including multimedia and wide band services. This will reduce transits through countries outside Africa and improve direct links between Member States.163.3 public security WITHIN WEST AFRICANIGERIA AND ECOMOGThe years 1972-1975 have been verbalize to be the some peaceful period in the history of the sub region. As from 1980, W est Africa became a jungle of wars. Thus, ECOWAS deviated from its headmaster vision of economic integration to a peace keeping government activity.17Various Nigerian governments, military and civilian, have tried to detect the big brother role contend by Nigeria in the sub region. The economic focus of the Ibrahim Babangida regime led to the greater interest in ECOWAS as well as trade and security. Links with Nigerias neighbours resulted in the regimes restoration of good neighborliness in West Africa.18Unlike any other period in West Africa, the Babangida regime witnessed quite a number of actions. One of these was the border division of the Ewes between Ghana and Togo which has much been criticized by the Ewes who have for long expressed desire to live in one country. Unfortunately, the Ewe irredentism had become a ready tool in the hands of the Eyadema administration. Accusing fingers were often pointed in the direction of Ghana. This was demonstrated in 1989 when the cal l for multi-partism to replace the one party system was made. The Eyadema administration played up the Ewe irredentism to implicate Ghana, a country with a heroic concentration of Ewes. To allow the Ghana-Togo crisis go unchecked would have carried with it a high security risk for the sub region. The Babangida regime offered itself as an impartial referee on the issue.19Article 52(1) and (2) of the revised ECOWAS Treaty (1993) provides not only for the legal community and resolution of conflicts, but also contains a clause on the establishment of a regional peacekeeping force for the prevention, containment, moderation and termination of hostilities between or within member states through the medium of a triad party intervention and directed intentionally, using multi-national forces of soldiers and civilian personnel to maintain peace.20The estimation of a peace keeping force hinged on the idea that development cannot be achieved without security and peace. The Executive Secre tary of ECOWAS, Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas, once said this about insecurity in the sub region, it takes us away from our original mandate economic cooperation, economic development and fighting poverty, stepping up trade, etc. political instability in any member state diverts our attention.21In 1990, due to the Liberian crisis, there was a revision of ECOWAS goals. Events in Liberia, being a member of ECOWAS impacted directly on the fortunes of both the organization and all its constituent member states. Thousands of people died in conflict think shoess, most of them civilians, and hundred thousands of others were turned into refugees as a result of the war. In addition, Liberian nationals, citizens of other ECOWAS states, diplomats and foreign citizens were increasingly exposed to the triple jeopardize of war, starvation and disease.22The stage for Nigerias involvement in the Liberian crisis was decided at the 13th session of the Authority of Heads of States and Government in Ban jul, Gambia from May 28-30, 1990 under the chairmanship of Blaise Campraore of Burkina Faso. A committee was set up for the formation of ECOWAS Cease fervor monitor Group (ECOMOG).23Despite the genuine fears of informed Nigerians about the capableness of the economy to accommodate the Liberian crisis, the Babangida regime saw the issue in a different light. As far as the administration was concerned, the eructation of hostilities in Liberia called for practical demonstration of the countrys age long good neighbourliness tradition. In addition to the security implications of the crisis, the regime foresaw the damage the carnage in Liberia would cause its leadership role in Africa.24Subsequently, ECOMOG was instituted for the Liberian crisis. Nigeria also led ECOMOG to dislodge the Johnny Koromah led military junta that ousted Teejan Kabbah in sierra Leone in 1997 and restored peace in the country. Nigeria also closed down her embassy in Freetown with six other countries in complia nce with the directives of the ECOWAS Council of Foreign Ministers.25Nigerias efforts at finding peaceful means to end the wars in the sub region could be seen in her contributions of man power, technical assistance and aid via ECOWAS. Nigeria only has committed cardinal field commanders to ECOMOG and contributed about 70% of the troops in the peacekeeping operations in Liberia.26According to President Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria spent eight billion Dollars and lost about five hundred men in the Liberia and sierra Leone crisis.27On the platform of ECOWAS vis--vis the ECOMOG, Nigeria intervened in Liberia and Sierra Leone revolutionary conflict over the control of government structures, which were rooted in political and ideologic differences lasting till the late 1990s. Not wanting a re-occurrence of the situation and aftermath of the Liberian and Sierra Leone civil war, ECOWAS working in collaboration with Nigeria, did not allow the Ivorian civil war linger for a long time before prompt intervention providing solutions to the conflict.Thus, Nigeria in West Africa has successfully led the way in resolving the crisis situation in Liberia and Sierra Leone through the instrumentality of the sub regional peacekeeping mechanism, ECOMOG. The establishment of the ECOWAS Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) despite its handicaps, has proved to be one of the most perpetual and outstanding achievements of ECOWAS. It has not only provided a novel method for the care of peace and security, which is now widely acknowledged, it has more importantly saved West African states and their nationals from mindless brutality, if not extinction.28ENDNOTESDr S.K.B Asante ECOWAS and Freedom of MovementWest Africa (London) 3 July 1978. p.1285Richard Alkali, West Africa ECOWAS-Its Formation and Achievements. http//allAfrica.comAnyanwu et al, History of Nigeria Nigeria in the Twentieth Century.(Nigeria longman, 1991) p.213Bunmi Odenubi, Nigerias Foreign transaction in the New Millennium Nigeri an Forum. Vol 22, No 7-8. July-Aug 2001. p.157Hassan A. Saliu, The Foreign polity Legacies of Ibrahim Babangidas Regime in Nigeria. Nigerian Forum. Vol 22, No7-8, March-April 1995. p.50Edem Kodjo, ECOWAS Braving Troubled Waters West Africa (London) 30 June 1986. pp.1363-1364IbidR. Omotayo Laniyan, Nigeria and the ECOWAS A Role and Problem Analysis, in G.O Olusanya and R.A Akindele (eds), Nigerias External Relations The showtime Twenty Five Years. (Ibadan University Press Ltd, 1986) p.127Achievements of ECOWAS http//www.ECOWAS Official Site.orgMicrosoft Encarta Encyclopedia.Anyanwu et al, History of Nigeria, p.214Ibid. p.213 air on Foreign Affairs. Vol 21. March 2006.R.O Olaniyan, Nigeria and the ECOWAS p.132Achievements of ECOWAS http//www.ECOWAS Official Site.orgIbidInformation from Professor Adebayo Adedeji, venerable about 80 years, ACDESS, Ijebu Ode, 11 Feb,2009Nigerian Forum. Vol 22, No 5-6. May-June 2001.p.133Hassan A. Saliu, The Foreign policy Legacies of Ibrahim Babangid as Regime in Nigeria. Nigerian Forum, Vol 22, No 7-8, March-April 1995. p.51Dele Ogunmola, ECOWAS and Conflict Management in Cote dIvoire Appraisal and Prognosis Nigerian Forum. Vol 26. No 5-6. 2005. p.152Daily Trust online editon, May 25, 2005Odeyemi Oluwafunmilayo, Economic Cooperation in West Africa A Look at the Achievements of ECOWAS 1991-2005. (A B.A Long Essay submitted to Babcock University Ogun State.)April 2007. p.45Bunmi Odenubi, Nigerias Foreign Relations in the New Millenium. Nigerian Forum. Vol 22, No7-8. July-August 2001. pp. 158-159Hassan A Saliu, The Foreign Policy Legacies of Ibrahim Babangidas Regime in Nigeria. Nigerian Forum.Vol 22, No7-8, March-April 1995. pp. 51-52.http// Africa week
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Qualitative Study of Experienced Nurses Voluntary Turnover
qualitative area of Experienced Nurses Voluntary TurnoverTitleHayward,D., Bungay,V., Wolff,A.C. Macdonald,V. (2016). A qualitative lead of experienced nurses voluntary turnover learning from their perspectives. journal of Clinical Nursing, 25, 1336-1345. inside 10.1111/jocn.13210IntroductionIssues of care for turnover has been a perpetual challenge for health sell industry. Furtherto a greater extent, resignation of experienced nurses causes critical declination in standard of care and reduces desirable nursing outcome. In fact, crisis of staffing shortages often occur during the transitional metre period speckle an experienced nurse left while at that equal time a newly recruited staff is undergoing orientation and training. In the kickoff place, employment of new staff incurs signifi gouget high cost to the orderliness and health care organization. The aim of this qualitative, interpretive descriptive pull in is to explore the reasons that caused resignation of exper ienced nurses. In this cross sectional qualitative study, 12 purposive selected players took part in individual face to face interview. The seek included 8 full time and 4 part time nurses. Thornes (2009) interpretative descriptive design was used for data collection and analysis. Hayward et al found that clip environment and personalized reason caused nurses to leave. Sample leave alone be the element chosen for discussion.The consume Purposive sampling manner is employed for the specific information that one has to offer callable to the personal experience (Patton, 2005). This method of sampling is deployed deliberately to recruit the particular individuals because of the life-and-death information they can give (Carpenter Suto, 2008). Guarte et al. (2007) stated that purposive sampling is the extract of population that provides near information on the subject of interest. Similarly, Liamputtong (2013) believes that qualitative study depends on information rich individ uals who have in- profundity dis daub of the discussed topic callable to their experiences. Selecting members of the participants with a purpose enable researchers to focus on the issues that need to be explored extensively. Furthermore, qualitative research is of importly about the lived experiences of people, owing to this phenomena researcher take for meaning and not frequency. Since qualitative study aims to explore meanings that an individual experience, the determination is not general (Hesse-Biber Leavy, 2011). Likewise, in the research that examines how nurses cope with nursing workload nursing critically ill patients, researchers will recruit nurses with experiences working in intensive care unit. Alternatively, qualitative researchers may use convenience and sweet sand verbena prove which is efficient tho does not necessary provide most information rich sources (Polit Beck, 2014). On the other hand, Jansses et al. (2015) stated that some studies reason that purpo sive sample may develop representative samples whereas a hit-or-miss sample avoid biases. Even so, purposive sampling seems as the main approach in qualitative study as the criterion ground participants has the characteristics enabling exploration of their experience related to the study (Ritchie et al., 2014).In this study, there were 12 participants recruited while a smaller sample size can be considered since this is a qualitative study. Sandelowski (1995) maintained that qualitative sample of 10 may be a sufficient number for sampling among the homogeneous population. In fact, qualitative research focuses on the importance of breadth and depth to thoroughly address the relevant research questions. Hence, the approach centered more or less meaning and feeling of the studies thus not intended to create a representative samples. In the yr 2012, Dworkin stated that qualitative research requires in-depth understanding of phenomenon, concentrate on the meaning and reasons behind the stories pertaining to social issues. On the contrary, Polit and Beck (2014) commented that qualitative research sample size is guided by principle of data fecundation and may need a larger sample. Research conducted by Bertrand (2012) was an example used to explain this situation where the interview continued while sample size was thought to have achieved data saturation, a participant told the story that was never been shared before. Theoretically, careful and meaningful selection of participants in small number is appropriate for qualitative study. Ideally, the participants will provide enlarge and range of information that answer the questions probe by researcher. Hence, it is possible for a sample size of less than 10 participants to achieve data saturation. Interestingly, international Morse code (2008) pointed out that quality of data is influenced by the learning of interviewer and affect the call for sample size in achieving saturation. Mason (2010) added that 10 in terviews conducted by an experienced interviewer can obtain more information than an inexperienced interviewer who have more interviews. Having one single case as sample can be meaningful and extremely informative as seen in the studies from management and medical exam research (Boddy, 2016).Since the selection of sample is vital to the outcome of qualitative study, the sample inclusion of part time nurses and nurses who worked in different role and position will likely to have opinions highly objective to their varied work situation. For instance, nurses employment decisions are contributed by work hour, contrast function and salary. entire time employees are perceived to shoulder on extra responsibilities due to their participation in the other improvement plan of the organization. In appendix to that, full time workers remain busy performing routine nursing duty as their part time counterpart (Janssona Engstromb, 2017). Commitment and bank line atonements are major predict or of staff turnover (Satoh et al. 2016) Generally, part time nurses are perceived to be less committed due to shorter work hour as compare to full time nurses (Katz Kahn, 1979). In year 2009, Han et al. inform that full time nurses attained more transmission line satisfaction, consignment and empowerment than part time nurses. Having said that, there were many studies (e.g. Eberhardt et al. 1984 Jackofsky et al. 1987 Logan et al. 1973 McGinnis et al. 1990 moth miller et al. 1979 Shockey et al. 1994 Sinclair et al. 1999 Steffy et al. 1990 Still, 1983 Vecchio, 1984 Wetzel, Soloshy et al. 1990 Wotruba, 1990) which examined the variance of work attitudes, shipment, job satisfaction and turnover intention mingled with part time and full time employee throughout two decades but the outcomes were inconclusive and inconsistent. Similar levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment were reported among part time and full time employees (Thorsteinson, 2003).ConclusionIn qua litative research, the sampling plan must achieve its mean to be equal and appropriate. In order to achieve the goal, selected individual must have marrow understanding of the subject under study and in return render full information. In brief, the study can be effective utilise smaller number of participants if researcher can apply good skill with the right inclusion and exclusion criteria.ReferencesBoddy, C.R. (2016). Sample size for qualitative research. Qualitative Market Research An foreign Journal, 19(4), 426-432. Retrieved from http//,S.L. (2012). Sample size policy for qualitative studies using in-depth interviews. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41(6), 1319-1320. doi 10.1007/s10508-012-0016-6Eberhardt, B. J. Shani, A. B. (1984). The effects of full-time versus part-time employment status on attitudes toward specific organizational characteristics and overall job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 27, 893-900.Guarte, J. M. Barrios,E.B. (2007). Estimation under purposive sampling. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 35(2), 277-284. Retrieved from http//, K.W. Carpenter, C. (2004). Qualitative research in evidence-based rehabilitation. Edinburgh Churchill Livingstone.Han, S.H., Moon, S.J. Yun, E.K. (2009). Empowerment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment comparison of permanent and short-lived nurses in Korea. Applied Nursing Research, 22, 15-20.Hesse-Biber, S.N. Leavy, P. (2010). The exert of qualitative research. (2nd ed.). Edinburgh Churchill Livingstone.Jackofsky, E. F. Peters, L. H. (1987). Part-time and full-time employment status differences A replica and extension. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 8, 1-9.Janssona, A.B. Engstromb, A. (2017). Working together critical care nurses experiences of temporary staffing within Swedish health care a qualitative study. intensifier and Critical Care Nursing. Retrieved f rom http//, D. Kahn, R. L. (1979). The social psychology of organizations. New York Wiley.Liamputtong, P. (2013). The science of speech communication and the science of numbers research methods as foundations for evidence-based expend in health. In P. 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Full-time and part-time subgroup differences in job attitudes and demographic characteristics. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 55, 337-357.Steffy, B.D., Jones, J.W. (1990). Differences between full-time and part-time employees in perceived role unfold and work satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11, 321-329.Still, L.V. (1983). Part-time versus full-time salespeople Individual attributes, organizational commitment and work attitudes. Journal of Retailing, 59, 55-79.Thorsteinson, T.J. (2003) Job attitudes of part-time vs. full-time workers A meta-analytic review. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76, 151-177.Van Hoeven, L.R., Janssen, M.P., Roes, K.C.B. Koffijberg, H. (2015). Aiming for a representative sample Simulating random versus purposive strategies for hospital selection. Biomed Central Medical Research Methodology, 15(90), 1-9. Retrieved from https//, R.P. 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Business Plan for Entering the Indian Textile Industry
Business Plan for Entering the Indian cloth IndustryTextile industry means which produces yet types of fabrics, yarns, combs, boffins etc.. it also includes tot eachy ready made garments, blankets (woollen / acrylic). India is leading bucolic of cotton plant fabrics and wollen political machinepets and cotton durries.To evidence a material industry a huge criterion is guide and it is around 1 2.5 crores of rupees.After the issue of capital is sictled bite comes the fuss of territory and machines for the manufacturing concern. When we select a pickle for our melodic phrase we desire to bring certain things in our mind like the location should be best suited to the billet and environment. Then we assume to register that location so that we exit not be facing any(prenominal) problem regarding its ownership and authorization.After we pitch settled all the above issues we take oer to decide the channels from where would we import raw materials and through whic h we would distribute consummate skillfuls.We be importing raw materials for the woolen, acrylic blankets , knitted garments and socks from USA, CANADA, ITALY, GERMANY and The raw cotton from south Africa. As presently they argon the largest manufacturing businesss in on that point individual field.The govt of India is also serve uping us to examine our business by well-favored us incentives by way of establishing special economic z anes where we can establish our own unit of measurement. Under special economic z unrivalled the rate of land is real concessional on monthly basis. The machines we argon importing ar chthonian NIL rate of duty with the conditions that manufactured products ordain be exported to after-school(prenominal) india to gain the foreign currency. Our Most of the inferior units ar situated at PANIPAT (HARIYANA), LUDHIANA ( PUNJAB), Surat (GUJRAT) which atomic number 18 manufacturing s ares, socks, suiting and shirting fabrics.This is a very depe ndable industry and profit earning sector because every 1 needs enclothe to coer his personify.So in my opinion the material industry is the best sector which houses jobs to unskilled laborers and profits to the owner of the unit.To set up a business we begin to apply to the commerce ministry for license, the practise will be made on the payment of fees prescribed by the government of India.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYTextiles are one of the most commonly known and important business. It includes1) Transforming of raw materials into last(a) goods, i.e. the preparation of fruit of fibres and/or the manufacture of yarns by spinning2) toil of knitted or woven fabrics3) Finishing activities, like bleaching, dyeing, printing, coating, which gives the satisfaction desire by consumers4) Transformation of the fabric into garments (clothing industry), home textiles, e.g. bed linen, table linen and curtains, or industrial/technical textiles, e.g. ropes and netting5) After completion of all the above steps comes the importing, distributing and retailing and that is the very important dissipate of any business.It includes many country to complete this step as now a days it business befool go against more than than innovative and competitive. Fabrics designed and manufactured in one country may be position to design in an separate, machined in a third and finished in the originating country.In addition, retailing of garments is now common across national boundaries.COMPANY possessionThe founders of the telephoner are Rajani aggarwal and Vishal Kataria, will handle day-to-day financial and business performances of the plan and will work mutually to ensure that this business venture is a succeeder.OBJECTIVESTo satisfy our customers by our quality of production and go.To procure a growth rate of 6-8% per annum.To cement our position in Large, strength Domestic and International grocery.To innovation of the product time to time for the festering and Diversif ication to cater global needs.Elimination of Quota Restriction leads to greater Market Development and thus it will improver our productivity..As Market has been step by step shifted towards Branded Readymade equip, we tar encounter to be dynamic as per the marketplace situation.To extend ameliorate quality at the best affordable price.To allow our customer every suitable place to buy our products like retail deceive to malls from where they can easily purchase our products.To offer a range of packages and serve specifically tailored to the needs of each customerWe are expecting that this union will be successful and we believe that earnings will emergence slightly for the second conse cropive year and it will go on increasing.TO PROVIDE INTENSIVE SERVICE TO DECENTRALISED POWERLOOM SECTORTO PROMOTE skillful TEXTILES IN INDIATO CONTINUE ASSOCIATION WITH NATIONAL SECURITY sickSTO DEVELOP gentleman RESOURCES FOR TEXTILE persistence THROUGH EDUCATION TRAININGKEYS TO SUCC ESS in that location are a few distinguish factors that contributes to success or hardship for professional whole kit and caboodlemost of which twig from the importance of written report to an entrepreneurs business.Our run would be utterly done by our managers, and different staff ,our actions would definitely be invigorate and efficient.We maintain the best relationships with our staffs such as boss to subordinates, managers to employees and with all different like labourers, electricians and machanics.Although we are very good with others and we maintain our personal relations good but at same time we maintain a professional relation at all time.Our very important key to success is to execute the work according the planning, when it is suppose to and at the hold and affordable price.The other key to success is to welcome a very good contact with our designer of our clothes.We have appointed the community who are very dedicated to their work and they supervise the prod uction very effectively. Our production supervisor is to ensure that the jobs are to be finished in 15 hours must not exceed 20 hours. Profit goals are only be achieved when our tailors and stitchers work efficiently.CURRENT SITUATIONAggarwals textile industries has a reputation for making great clothing that have found overwhelming choose among the masses.Our Companys order book position is very good, both in the domestic help market as well as exports, with orders for next 4-5 months, we are expecting to the richlyest degree Rs7500 million in hand. There are also good measuring of demands, which we expect to convert into orders.Every business passes through various cycles, good and difficult but It is only in the challenging environment that one learns the best lessons of life. Challenging time in past few age presented an opportunity to look into the business very closely, remove inefficiencies, rationalize expense (control cost) and look at alternate products markets.The environment has become quite advance for our textile companies. The following facts will prove that.In a country like India, the present situation has definitely created an advantage over Competing Countries.As there is an Appreciation in Chinese currency that resulted in increase in their labour cost.due to this they lose the cost advantage and competitiveness. Also the buyers of clothes are looking at viable alternate to China as they do not want any further want.There are many uncertain economic conditions in the neighboring countries that upset customers arrogance for timely delivery of their orders. Thus many countries shifted their orders to India and that is really a hale sign for our business.This scenario has brought promising prospects for Our Textile Industry.Slowdown in USA and europium has led to increase in demand for basic products as against products in the luxury segments. Discount stores like Wal-Mart have witnessed higher volumes. Our community has been tr aditionally catering to the medium and lower segment of the market, thus witnessing higher volumes.During run into to August 2010, ready made garments worth $4.87 billion were exported from our textile industry, In rupee terms, the figures work out to Rs207.6 billionmarket of India as uttermost as textile is concerned . It has many competitors but our products are the one which overshadows the performance of all other textile industries. The big reason of the success of the Aggarwals textile in India is that our products are very economical and light wearing.INDUSTRY ANALYSISAggarwals Textile Industry in India is Representing the rich Culture , usance Economic Prosperity of India .it is an self reliant industry and thus provide better quality clothing at affordable priceIt has a huge resource for Raw Material that helps industry to control costs and reduces the lead-time across the operation.Low Cost and Skilled Manpower also provide competitive advantage to industry.As we impor t several(predicate) raw materials from varied countries the large varieties of cotton fibers available and thus a fast outgrowth synthetic fiber industry exists.India has great advantage in reel Sector and has a presence in all process of operation and value chain that help us to a great cessation and keep us moving .Aggarwals is one of the largest exporters of Yarn in internationalist market and contributes around 25% share of the global trade in Cotton Yarn.Our Industry is one of largest foreign revenue contributor and holds 12% of the countrys total export.Industry has large and diversified segments that provide wide variant of productsArvind Mills Welspun Group Raymond Alok Industries Madura Garments Large Composite Textile/ Apparel/Made-ups/Garment Manufacturers Ashima Group Reliance Industries Garden Silk Mills Mafatlal Industries Composite Units/ Fibres Filaments manufacturers Surat is the countrys strongest base for non cotton fabrics. Surat Ahmedabad is the leading manufacturer of cotton and blended textile. It is also one of the largest producer of denim in the world. Government has taken active steps to pause Apparel Park for overall growth of textile sector. AhmedabadDESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT. We not only sale our products but we also provide services to our customers. We provide assoil service to our customers.By the opening of our showroom, many people got employments such as Managers who manages the work of the keep guild.Account Manager who manages the account smear such monetary works.Mechanics for maintaining the performance of the cars.Electricians beneficial for electrical sorts of works related to vehicles.We also require few girls who capable of handling our customers as a receptionist.At last our Indian government is also get benefited as we pay huge amount of tax.The growth opportunities exist in following areasMedical textilesConstruction textilesPackaging textilesBaby diapersHome textiles( with fire-retarded fabric)Bla nkets and traveling rugsBed, tale, toilet and kitchen linenCurtains, drapes, interior blindsFurnishing articlesSacks and bagsTarpaulin, sail, tent, camping goodsOPERATIONAL AND PRODUCTION PLANSOperationl n production planEngraving SystemsLaser engraving cutting adjoin engineering scienceConventional engraving systems specialized equipmentCAD systems modular software packagePrinting systemsExcellent performanceGreatest colour range postgraduate reproducibility broad(a) solutionsHotmelt laminatingCoating finishingDouble sided coating sparkle processingApplication testing facilitiesDbfhdFor burn downly four decades weve worked with thousands of customers to develop a broad range of automatic cutting systems that ensure optimum cut part quality. To date we have installed more than 7,000 cutting systems in trading trading operations throughout the world.DbfhdDrape 2-dimensional patterns on3-dimensional life formsSimulate fabric and food grain dataCollaborate via the internet with clients and suppliersReduce the number of physical samples compulsoryDrastically decrease product development and approval timesServices to customers( schema)The prime driver for businesses is the savings, which lead to lower costs while maintaining high quality or to put it some other way to lower per unit costs while maintaining high quality, which ultimately, leads to savings (same for less or more for less). But, in essence it is due to a combination of factors, such as high aims of education and skills appropriate to the tasks outsourcedThe Operational Plan describes the requirements to conduct the annual strategies at the Ganu Hyundai. All the events have an element of public risk and electromotive force for environmental impact. The Operational Plan has been pile up with due setting to reduce these risks and to prescribe the tasks required to conduct a good relationship with the customers. Our operational plans also include sale of the products per year and benefit s comes out of that. The Ganu Hyundai performs its operations by the following manner-Firstly, the customer has to book the desired exercise of the car.They can book or give order either by phone or by directly coming to our office which in South Extension, New Delhi or they can order online by just going to our website i.e. www.ghyundai.comWe also have servicing centre where we provide free servicing to the customer who are bare-ass (means whose car is less than one year).We behave money either by cash or by cheque or by card.We also have collaboration with few banks that provide loans to customer.Hyundai backed warranty for 1 year 20,000kms.We assured with company backed operations.PRODUCTION PLANSThe following are the wareion plans of our consultancy-As per regarding the production its very important to satisfy our customers by providing them desired model and better service.The production plan of Hyundai is divided into three steps called as Product Life Cycle of Hyundai GR OWTHIf consumer feels that this product is good and satisfactory for them, they mechanically get attracted by that product, then the company (Aggarwals industry) will meet a rapid sales growth. Aggarwals textiles stands on improved Stage. As the sales of another textiles are higher as compare to that of Aggarwals then the customer will buy our product ,by providing them great benefits in future and they will accept it.Revenue 188 millionEBIT 19 millionCapital employed 53 millionEmployees 1.322MATURITYRapid sales growth cannot last for a long time. Sales slow down as the product sales reach peak as it has been accepted by most buyers. turn awaySales and profits start to decline, the Ganu Hyundai may try to mixed bag their determine strategy to simulate growth, and however the product will either have to be re-modified or replaced within the market.MARKETING PLANMarketing the selling mix isRight productRight priceIn the honorable placeUsing the most suitable promotionPackagin gLabelsindustrial applicationsSecurity applicationsWall-coveringProofingOur marketing plan is to establish a well-regarded brand depict linked to a meaningful positioning. We will have to invest hard in market to create a distinctive brand stunt man projecting innovation, quality and value. We also measure awareness and response so we can adjust our market efforts if required.Target MarketsOur marketing strategy is differentiate marketing. Our primary customer order is middle to upper income that need confessedly value for their money and comfortable ride in city conditions. Our supplemental customer target is college students who need style and speed.Our primary business target is mid- sized to large-sized corporate that need to help their managers and employees by providing them a car for ease of transport. Our secondary business target is entrepreneurs and small business owners who need to provide discounts to managers buying a new car.PromotionRoad ShowsThe showroom plan to stage and road show, to display vehicles in the pavilions during various college fiesta and exhibition. This type of car will appeal to youngsters more.Television AdvertisementsAdvertisements to promote and market our product will be shown on leading television channels, as for example- Zee, Star, Sony etc.BannersHoarding banners and neon signs will be displayed at clubs, discs, distant theatre and shops to promote our brand car.HUMAN RESOURCE PLANStrategies for successSmart and Modern MaterialsTechnological research involving scientists and textile designers working in concert has resulted in the development and productions of a range of new fibres and fabrics which have become known as Smart and Modern Materials.Types of Smart and Modern MaterialsEncapsulation is the technology of enclosing a smell or substances within a fabric to create a particular effect.Sense and React Materials are languish materials that have been specifically designed to respond to the needs of the wearer and/or of the environment.Photo-chromatic Dyes change colour in response to a particular temperature.Reflective Inks radiate any available light making a garment more visible in the dark.Phosphorescent Dyes appear to glow in the dark.Micro-Encapsulation is the application of microscopic capsules to either a yarn or the surface of a fabric.Abrasion is the scraping or wearing away of something.Interactive Textiles are touch and pressure-sensitive fabrics incorporating conductive fibres.Geotextiles are bonded or woven man-made and immanent fabrics that can be made from polypropelene fibres...Abrasion Resistance PillingColorfastness Dimensional intensifyFlammability Wrinkle Soil ResistanceTensile Properties Fabric Appearance dedicateEight cameras,Four laser light sources,Collects 300,000 data points in 12 seconds,Results in 3D image,Results in a set of over 80 body measurementsAfter the scan is completed, four views are available to examine simultaneouslymarcellMeasu res the amount of heat emitted from an object or person . Temperature measurements are used to design apparel when heat is an issue, such as athletic or refrigerated weather wearGarments can be tested in a variety of different environmental conditions,Temperature ranges from -20F to 200F,Humidity ranges from 5% to 95%chamber set upsoftware including computer-aided-designcadlab1The Advanced CAD class collaborated with Brooks Brothers to develop a Web site that would allow for customization of womens professional apparel. Designs were produced using U4ia and Illustrator that could have interchangeable fabrics, colors and stylesNxt heading.MktingAnnually, our students produce a professional level fashion presentation and exhibition of original apparel designs to an audience of over 1300 in Finch on CMUs campus.Ganu Hyundai is a unique Human Capital way car showroom that enables the process of acquiring talent, aligning them with organizations goals and leading the transformation, to help your organization take that leap in performance. From automating routine tasks, to generating strategic reports, to bad access to employee related information through self-service, Ganu Hyundai does it all. Our key Modules include performance Management, Training Development, and recruitment, HR Workgroup and Report/Analytics, Payroll, Self-Service.Followings are the Human Resource Strategies of Ganu Hyundai. They are-Aggarwal textiles has employed many people to its industry and they have also been provided a special training.Our employees are getting knowledge and skills about clothing and they are getting paid according to their talent and hard work.ALL of our students have the opportunity to complete an internship with leading firms in the apparel design, merchandising, manufacturing or textile industries DKNY ,The Gap ,Nordstroms ,The Buckle ,Old Navy ,As IceALL of our students complete a sequence of textile courses that include textile product analysis and textile test ing utilizing standard methods in an actual textile testing laboratoryAs about the Manager and Account manager, they get higher compensation than the other emploes as their work is a little more different and difficult too,they have to look after their junior employees.Lower level employees those are new to this industry get less salary as they do not have the proper degree but as soon as they get their dgree their salary would automatically raise.The main supposition that come from these plan is that our company not only recruit a person who has a degree for it but also we provide a good and free training to poor poeple so any one having dadicaion to his work and life can join in our company.We also have a suggestion box, and organize monthly meetings to follow up tasks. judging OF RISKBy doing the assessment of risk we are in a position to identify hazards that could cause damage to our textile industry. our assessment of risk makes us enable to know the hurdles and adapt measu res accordingly to rescind or control risksRisk assessment would be recorded by the person who are assigned for it. Risk assessment of upcoming events are distributed among different person of different groups and it would be done when we gather all the information from the contractor, other companies It will also be a part of our risk assessment to built a personal contact with our customers so that we would be updated with teir new demands and thus can satisfy them.What are the risks?Indian Textile Industry is highly Fragmented Industry.Industry is highly aquiline on Cotton.Lower Productivity in various segments.There is Declining in Mill Segment.Lack of Technological Development that affect the productivity and other activities in whole value chain.Infrastructural Bottlenecks and Efficiency such as, Transaction time at Ports and transportation Time.Unfavorable labor Laws.Lack of Trade Membership, which ensnare to tap other potential market.Lacking to incur Economies of Scale .Competition from other developing countries, especially China.Continuous Quality Improvement is need of the hour as there are different demand patterns all over the world.Elimination of Quota system will lead to waverings in Export Demand. affright for Traditional Market for Powerloom and Handloom Products and forcing them for product diversification.eographical Disadvantages.International labor and Environmental Laws.To correspondence the demand and supply.To make balance between price and quality.Higher corroboratory Taxes, Power and Interest RatesAnother major risksThreat of new entrantsThreat of substitutesCompetitive rivalryThe second reason of risk is fluctuation in the share market.The one of the major risk is demand in the market, if the demand of people will not fulfilled by our company then the people will move to the next textile company this will again cause loss to the owner.FINANCIAL PLANfiscal planning is a process of setting objectives, assessing assets and resour ces, estimating future financial needs, and making plans to achieve monetary goals. Many elements may be involved in financial planning, including investing, asset allocation, and risk management. Tax, retirement, and estate planning are typically included as well.The following are the financial plan of Aggarwal textiles. They are We invested nearly 1 crore rupees in the establishment of our project.We also have shares in the share market which will give financial strength in the market.We also have future plan to increase our company to 5%-6% per year.We also give discounts and other attraction to our customers in the off assuage to increase our income.We also give guarantee on our products so that we would be able to build a good impression on their mind. We have provided replacement facility too.The marketing research and tailored marketing strategy described in this business plan will result inhealthy profits, increasingevery year. It is estimated that by year 2015, revenues wi ll contrive an 10% market share of the local market.Monthly break-even is very achievable. Total production at the time of this writing was approximately 70 units, which will increase to 100 by the end of the year 2015.Because it is the policy of the company to provide the fabric for the soft window treatment products,the company has a very low cost of goods sold account and therefore a high gross margin. Furthermore, the custom nature of the business means that there isminimal inventory cost and accounts payable. Finally, the company does not posess any debt or long term capital assets that would affect the cash flow. With the ability to generate so much cash flow, it is assumed that the company will seek to use this asset to expand its markets and production capacity in the near futureFor our financial plan we consulted with our parents, friends and seeked many sources from where we could get the informations.after all we obdurate to invest in which we contributed 50% each in wh ich we got helped by our parents and our relatives.our parting included our savings of the past which we saved for this day and it was of great help.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Galileo Galileis Theory Of The Tides Philosophy Essay
Galileo Galileis hypothesis Of The Tides Philosophy EssayGalileo Galileis speculation of how and why the tides worked was, as we vex know for hundreds of years, horribly wrongly, and yet phenomenal one that but a judicial decision as brilliant as his could have formulated. In fact, it was a square step towards advance(a) science and discovery. In 1595, when Galileo first came up with his explanations for the tides, he was desperately trying to prove that the of import universe was true something that the perform and public would not eat up at the time. In addition to this, Galileo believed that the super C hypothesis of the cause of the tides at that time (that they were caused by the woolgather) was a meritless piece of mysticism, as scientists who proposed it could strain no scientific explanation for it (Tyson, P. His enormous Mistake, http// One of the main scientists of the time who supported the hypothesis of the tide s being caused by the idle was Johannes Kepler, who was indeed correct in his hypothesis, which how constantly was only establish upon intuition. Interestingly, it is this route of conducting science which Galileo opposed he believed in a more(prenominal) sights-on approach to science, in which one worked with what he could see and make rational and mathematical sense of his conclusions. It is because of this data-based attitude towards science that Galileo was cal take the initiate of modern science by the likes of Albert virtuoso and Steven Hawking.At the time of Galileo Galilei, modern science did not exist theories were formulated more mere intuition rather than hard facts and observations. Galileo supported the observations made by Copernicus in the middle 16th century which suggested that the Earth was not static, but rather that it orbited round the sun, as with early(a) planets. This conjecture explained why objects in the sky seemed to move. However, at the time of Galileo (16-17th century) the Ptolemaic corpse was still taught and fully supported by the church service. This system described that the sun orbited around a static Earth, in contrast with the Coperni seat Copernican view of our system. Therefore, Galileos determination to prove the Copernican theory he so strongly believed in played a large part in why he got the tides wrong.Galileos explanation of the tides was written in a formal letter to a cardinal, after Galileo had failed to influence the church to not ban the Copernican theory in capital of Italy in 1616. This letter was entitled Discorso sul flusso e il reflusso del mare. The scientist used an interest metaphor to describe the tides he examined in how many different ship canal the weewee in a vase can move, in which clearly the vase equal the Earth. Firstly, the slope of the vase plays a part in the movement of the pissing. Furthermore, external forces such(prenominal) as wind can affect water supply movement . Lastly, and most importantly, the campaign of the vase itself can influence the water movement. This final stain was the root of Galileos theory of the tides. The idea occurred to him while travelling on a barge that was take freshwater to Venice. (Galileo lived in nearby Padua and often visited Venice.) He noticed that whenever the barges swiftness or direction altered, the freshwater inside sloshed around accordingly. If the vas suddenly ground to a halt on a sandbar, for instance, the water pushed up towards the bow then bounced back toward the stern, doing this several times with ever decreasing agitation until it returned to a level state. (Tyson, P. His Big Mistake, http// to the Copernican system, the Earth is affected by two circular motions the yearbook transformation approximately the sun and the diurnal rotation. Due to these two motions, there is a change in the speed of the Earths rotation every 12 hours, w hich Galileo explained mathematically and connected this with his observations of the freshwater barge in Venice. Thus, for 12 hours, a point on the earths surface will move eastward, in opposition to the world-wide westward movement of the earth, and for 12 hours it will move westward, in the like direction as the annual motion. The composition of these motions causes on one hand a slackening ( due(p) to a subtraction of two opposite motions) and on the other hand an acceleration (due to an addition of two motions in the same direction). (Gigli, R. Galileos theory of the tides, http// Furthermore, he explained that differences in tidal flows are due to the differences in the physical conformations of the basins in which they flow. (Machamer, P. Galileo Galilei, http// Thus, Galileo cerebration he had explained the mystery of the tides. Moreover, this theory of his satisfactory Galileo because i t strongly supported the Copernican universe the movement of the Earth broadsides for the tides, and the tides account for the Earths movement, thus suggesting a heliocentric view of our system, which Galileo supported. In 1623 Galileo was brought to the Inquisition for suggesting in his Dialogue that the Copernican view was correct, which shows how determined the scientist was to find proof of the heliocentric universe.At the same time in history, a contemporary scientist of Galileos, Johannus Kepler, argued that the waters attraction to the moon caused the flux and reflux of the sea water, ie the tides. Galileo fired this idea of magic attraction between the moon and water, as no one tried to justify it by mathematical or experimental federal agency. Instead, Galileo believed in a mechanical approach, as explained previously, which could be accounted for using maths and scientific facts and knowledge. Galileo, therefore, led the scientific world away from an self-generated and deductive approach which was prominent at his time to a modern, experimental way of conducting science, despite being completely wrong about the cause of the tides.Galileos theory, however, was not without its objections, and one can see why many were reluctant to accept it. The main problem was that his theory would call for only one spunky tide every day, whereas it was known already that there are about two. Galileo dismissed this anomaly as the result of several secondary causes, including the wreak of the sea, its depth, and other factors. (Finocchiaro (1989), pp.127-131 and Drake (1953), pp. 432-6). Also, the tidal argument does not directly deal with the annual motion of the earth about the sun. And finally, Galileos theory does not suggest anything about the central position of the sun or about the periods of the planets as cipher by Copernicus. (Machamer, P. Galileo Galilei, http// Therefore, Galileos theory about the tides did not completely prove that our system is heliocentric, even though the scientist was so eager to do so. It was this eagerness, according to Einstein, that led Galileo to cling so tightly to his theory of the tides, and thus slightly direct him.Nevertheless, the weaknesses present in Galileo Galileis theory of the tides proved that it had been extremely well thought out and rationalised using mathematics, as one would not be able to point out mistakes if the theory had been based on intuition. On the other hand, Kepler was basing his theory of the tides caused by the moon on pure intuitive deduction. He wrote If the earth ceased to attract the waters of the sea, the seas would rise and flow into the moon and added If the good-natured force of the moon r individuallyes down to the earth, it follows that the attractive force of the earth, all the more, extends to the moon and even farther (Fowler, M. More Kepler, http// tml), which were interesting arguments indeed, but Kepler did nothing in terms of physical and mathematical illustration to prove his point. Therefore, Galileo had no election but to refuse Keplers ideas, despite them being ultimately indicative of the truth, due to the lack of empirical and experimental justification. How could the moon be magically attracting the water on the Earths surface? Newtonian gravity did not exist at the time, so an explanation was not possible. What Galileo stood against was the fact that Kepler could not even offer any plausible explanation, in words or mathematics alike, for his theory of the tides. It is this attitude towards science which made Galileo special and earned him a come out as one of the greatest scientists of all time.It wasnt until Isaac Newton came along that the tides were explained specifically in a scientific manner. Published in 1686, his explanation of the tides was near the following Tides are periodic rises and falls of large bodies of water. Tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon. The gravitational attraction of the moon causes the oceans to bulge out in the direction of the moon. Another bulge occurs on the opposite side, since the Earth is also being pulled toward the moon (and away from the water on the far side). Since the earth is rotating while this is happening, two tides occur each day (Col, J. Tides, http// Newton was thus able to increase on Keplers intuitive theory of the tides and explain it scientifically, finally proving it. This, however, would not have been possible had Galileo not shown the world how to conduct modern science in an empirical and experimental manner, relying on observations to draw plausible, rational and mathematical conclusions.It can hence be concluded that Galileo Galileis mistaken theory of the tides, his greatest blunder, served only to further demonstrate his great strength, which was the ability to conduct scientific experiments and summary using only what he saw with his own eyes, deviating away from intuitive and deductive reasoning to a more hands on, empirical and experimental way of doing science. The world at Galileos time, in the 16-17th centuries, was stuck in a card where scientific knowledge was based on more on block ones eyes than on observing through the telescope (Gigli, R. Galileos theory of the tides, http//, which means that Galileo broke a seemingly unbreakable barrier he fought against the Inquisition, the church and even fellow scientists to carry science to its right direction to hold in the future of modern science. It was as if Galileo knew exactly where the world of science was say to go, and did everything in his power to make sure it go there. It is of no diachronic importance that Galileos theory of the tides was actually wrong what matters is the thinking a nd reasoning transit that was behind the very plausible theory for its time. In fact, Newtons proof that it was wrong only again goes to show exactly what Galileo Galilei so strongly stood for basing theories on experimental observations and mathematical calculations using only facts. It is no wonder that the likes of Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking have named Galileo Galilei the father of modern science.
A Reflective Self Assessment Paper Social Work Essay
A pondering Self Assessment Paper loving Work Essayharmonize to EPAS competencies, a fond backpack iner should fasten in self-reflection, self-monitoring, and correction engage in cargoner-long makeing. When starting this self-reflection, I ask myself, which discontinue of social work practice may influence my ability in performance. I presuppose maybe, I go a mood try not to deal with cases involving fryren living with family vehemence.In 2003, when I was only 16 years old, I was sent to Portugal for a year as a cultural ex modify student. One day, my entertain mother asked me to pick my 9-year-old host brother home after instruct. When I entered his school, a little son just rushed to me and kicked me saying elevates express ups (Chinese in Portuguese). I thought that I never knew this boy and there was no use to argue with a little boy so I just ignored him. and so epoch my host brother and I were walking appear of the school, the boy appe atomic number 18d ag ain and came to beat me saying again Chins Chins. I got really angry and went to the principals office to report the situation. The passkey told me that the boy was a Brazilian and his family background was quite complicated. He grew up in a climate of family violence and he always performed sharply at school. After that incident, I started to invite fear and lost depone in this kind of pip-squeakren.Recently during my part-time job in shopping centre on Behavioral Health of HKU, we ar having a pilot hold on ab apply women and children in Harmony House. My supervisor asked me to be in charge of the part of children, who are of 5 to 12 years old. posterior in the formal study, the sample size allow for be much bigger. I instal it difficult in designing questionnaires and conducting interviews properly for children, particularly those who are living with trauma and family violence. We used several validated questionnaires, alone the kids could not to a lower placestand the questions, neither could they comprehend expressions like suffering, fear and worries. Moreover, when doing the interview, they would all at once lose patience in talking with you, thus many questionnaires remained uncompleted at all. For those children, reading peoples faces are sometimes a necessity to plump in the family. In order to pretend as normal as other children and to behave as a goody boy or girl, they tended to give us answers which they thought their peers would possibly say and their parents and we interviewers would prefer to hear. Therefore, I tell myself, in social work practice in the future, I will avoid children if at all possible, particularly children living in domestic violence.When I precipitated to write this self-assessment, I reflected and found that my past ideas seemed very(prenominal) immature and they were against social work principles. We believe in the comparison of both human-being and we pursuit social justice all the time. But when it comes to the issue of children, I have bias against them and direct avoid them.Children who live with family violence are vulnerable and oppressed and we social workers have our primary mission to commit attention to their needs and empowerment . We social workers respect the dignity and equality of every individual, and we are committed to assist them to solve the problem and get the needed resources. Social workers also strive to make social institutions replyive to human needs so we should also put efforts on the replication family functioning to impinge on childrens needs. Therefore, to be a qualified social worker, I should apply these principles and values to guide my professional practice other than face-to-face experience and bias.As we all know, Family is a special social dodging which performs certain functions and certain responsibilities. It performs the essential function of attending to the social and educational needs, health and well-being, and mutual care of its members. So parents have responsibility to meet childrens needs and provide adequate care, simulateion, safety, stimulation, guidance, boundaries and stability. Inside the family, parents are signifi locoweedt back off systems and attachment figures for childrens socio- aflame phylogeny. So when the functions and responsibilities are replaced by verbal, sexual, physical violence and heterogeneous forms of maltreatment, and when support, care, and harmony no longer exist, family can be very prejudicial to a child.According to Harmony Houses statistics, the number of children admitted to their shelter has increased by 60% in the past twenty years, from 155 cases in 1985 to 250 cases in 2005. 100% of them witnessed domestic violence at home and 65% were directly abused by their fathers. Over 96% of child witnesses felt scared, enchantment over 70% felt angry, helpless and did not know how to hear help from external resources. Around 30% of them still tried to tug against their offensive fathers to protect their mothers, causing and long lasting scars throughout their lives. In addition, 85% children having witnessed domestic violence will suffer from mild to dreaded levels of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms.Experiencing or witnessing a waste event is a very strong stressor to children, especially when it is human designed, long-lasting, and the attacker and victim are close to them. Children who are abused, neglected and exposure to family violence are more likely to produce problems of emotional and sortal adjustment, and even PTSD symptoms like withdrawal, regression, antagonism, anxiety, helplessness, low self-efficacy, lack of concentration and so on. In Osofskys study, he divided children suffering from domestic violence into three categories by their ages. 1) Very young children are likely to show emotional melancholy and immature demeanor. Sometimes they would also have somatic complaints and regressions in toileting an d language. 2) For school-aged children, they will probably exhibit a greater frequency of externalizing and internalizing. Externalizing includes aggressive and delinquent, while internalizing consists of withdrawn and anxious. 3) Adolescents may have a higher level of aggression still a common acting-out. Moreover, their cases are often accompanied with anxiety, behavior problems, school problems, truancy, and revenge seeking.From the perspective of social learning scheme, children will learn and intimate what they experience and see. What can kids learn from domestic violence? 1) fury is an appropriate way to solve conflicts. 2) Violence is a part of family relationships. 3) The perpetrator of violence in intimate relationships often goes unpunished. 4) Violence is a way to control other people. So intergenerational transmission of violence often occurred and children are likely to become offenders in the future. . In addition, if parents are emotionally untouchable and abusi ve, children will lose the basic trust to others in their development. When a childs parents are in a state of hostility, they have to somehow make a choice. Such choice of loyalty to one of the parent inevitably will bring about the worsening of the family communication and relations. Growing up under such stressful conditions with unmet childhood developmental needs will affect their view toward themselves as a person, and their view toward parents, family, marriage and interpersonal relations.When I start to work with a child from family violence, I should keep my business office in mind all the time that I am approach to help and try to establish a professional and helpful throw in communication with the child and the family.In problem assessment stage, I need to make clear what is known and what is not yet known, and conservatively observe what the family environment the parents are providing for the child, what developmental needs of the child are not met and what are the existing problems and difficulties in restore the functioning. In the part of family and parents, it is necessary to assess the family history and functioning, basic care, safety, emotional warmth, housing, employment, income, familys social integration, and so on In the section of childrens developmental needs, there are several dimensions to be considered as followedHealthIt includes a childs physical and mental well-being as well as his/her medical care, nutritious diet and sport exercise. educational activityIt covers all areas of cognitive development of a child from his/her birth. It involves ones access to school education, books, and other school facilities, interactions with other fellow children, attendance of school activities, and development of skills and interests.Emotional and Behavioral DevelopmentIt concerns how a child can react to people by feelings and actions, which includes attachment, temperament, adaption, self-control and so on.IdentityIt means the childs dread of him/herself has an independent and valued person, relating to self-efficacy, self-image, self-esteem, sense of belonging to the family and the society.Family and Social RelationshipIt refers to a good relationship with parents, siblings, caregivers, peers and other important people in the childs life.Social PresentationIt means how a child presents him/herself in various social situations and how the presentation fits his/her age, gender, culture and religion.Self-care SkillsIt concerns a childs independence by observing his/her practical, emotional and communication competencies in living and solving problems by him/herself.It should be pointed out that non-verbal cues are very important and useful in assessing the children. The assessment mathematical process can be therapeutic itself, so every action we take should be very careful, otherwise the interview can bring shape up harm to the child.After collecting the information, together with comprehensive analysis and pla nning, I can move on to the intervention stage. The first step is to embarrass the maltreatment, and ensure safety and cares for the child. Coping resources like relatives, schools and communities can be searched and used into the practice. Besides, refugee service is another choice. At the same time, proactive work of betoken services should be provided to the family and the children. For example, if the violence is because of the parents mental health or drug and alcohol abuse, actions like medical and rehab treatment can be adopted to this salient problem.The second level of intervention is to recover the vulnerable children who have suffered from abuse and neglect. The intervention should fit the characteristic of the age and gender of the child and his/her particular situation and needs. Many approaches from expressive art therapy, play therapy and body-mind theory can be applied to help the child identify and change destructive belief patterns, identify and express emotion al residue, exercise personal control, make plans for future and break down the sense of isolation. However, if the trauma is excessively severe for me to handle, I will refer the child for further clinical treatment.Then comes the third level of the intervention. It aims to ensure the long-term well-being of the child and the family. More target services are followed up to provide a good family environment for the kid. Many integrated therapeutic intervention models can be adopted for the whole family. For example, parent-child interaction therapy suggests that modifying family interactions can diminish the childs behavior problems and improve positive parenting skills, and it effectively reduce likelihood of future abusive actions.Above is my plan of practice with children living in family violence. I found that the whole process seemed not that difficult although many practical problems superpower appear during each stage. I am very energetic but hot-headed. Sometimes when I en counter a hard nut to crack, I will be worried and anxious all the time doing nothing, and idea about how to avoid it. As a future social worker, I will cultivate my patience, psychological quality in crisis and difficulty, and try to view as more professional skills to handle problems properly.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wheres the Honor in Honors Kids?(cheating habits of students) :: social issues
Wheres the Honor in Honors Kids?(cheating habits of students)Contrary to popular belief, honors students cheat exactly as much or more than students in unceasing classes do. Honors students argon assumed to be hardworking, responsible, and honest. Yet these above average students are ofttimes fetching part in the same dishonest conduct of the fair students, performing the task better and getting away with it more than the regular students. Explaining why honors students are better at cheating is difficult because every(prenominal) cheating student follows the same unwritten carry out to guide him to victory. The process is simple. First a cheater decides how he is going to cheat. He has umpteen options including inscribing answers on various body parts (hand, thigh, etc.), creating pocket-sized notes, enquire an originally class for the answers, and plagiarizing. He can also place his hand upon his flavor (next to his eyes) angled away from the teacher piece of music turn ing his head close to in the opposite direction of the teacher and look at his dwells paper. The following tactics are risky and are speechless for the more adventurous kids. They are snatching the teachers answer break, asking for assistance with a question while peeking at the answer key (at a teachers desk), hacking into a teachers computing machine for grade adjustments, and opening a textbook on the ground while taking a test. One of the most creative strategies Ive comprehend of is peeling the neglige from a clear water bottle hit to write the answers on the blank side then taping the wrapping hindquarters onto the bottle exposing the answers when one looks through the clear bottle. Of course almost regular students have been known to try these conniving techniques, they have been know by the honors students. The second step in the cheating process is when a student realistically imagines himself using the technique he chose in the head start step. This is a planni ng stage that requires a student to pretend and organize his developing plan of cheating. The better the student can imagine himself cheating, the more likely he is to succeed. After all, practice makes perfect. For example, if a student precious to write answers on the inside of his band-aid, he needs to picture himself taking the test and slyly pulling off the band-aid when the teachers back is turned to reveal the answers. There is no wrong way to accomplish this step, but many prefer to ask themselves questions to prepare themselves.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Who Stole My Cheese? Self-Analysis Essay -- essays research papers
Change, manage clock, is always happening. there is no way to stop it, not even for a second. Whither or not you realize it, you atomic number 18 always changing in all(prenominal) possible way. However, we commonly simplify change to only the large differences in our normal routines each day or week, whither they are expected or unexpected. These large problems can sometimes become problems for people, which is not surprising. They should be problems, whither they are good problems to have, or bad. It is our job to adapt to these changes, and to adapt quickly. All of the time it takes you to adapt, is time lost, time you will never regain. This principle is easily explained by Spencer Johnson, M.D. in his book Who Moved My Cheese?.Hem, Haw, and two speedy mice data track through a maze looking for cheese first sounded akin a very odd way to analyze how people kettle of fish with change, however, after reading a section, the comparison between two contrary people and mice i s a very creative and correct comparison. The mice, are implicated with one thing, their cheese. They do not worry about having a long-lived home or structure to fall back on. They are like Indians following the buffalo wherever they roam. They are constantly on the carry on following their source of life. The little people, Hem and Haw, however, are more concerned with have a home, and a schedule. A life that stays the corresponding with themselves always perfectly content. They do not want to hav...
Comparing Little House on the Prairie and Sarah Plain and Tall :: Compare Contrast Comparison
Comparing subaltern House on the Prairie, indite by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Sarah Plain and Tall, Written by Patricia MacLachlanLittle House on the Prairie, compose by Laura Ingalls Wilder, bears some resemblance to Sarah Plain and Tall, written by Patricia MacLachlan. Within both of the texts one can find two families that argon adjusting to life out on the Prairie. Even though the books be written some fifty years a go away they still portray the aspects of quick on the prairies in the Midwest. In both books the p arnts seem equally primal to the plot, sequence the point of view enhances the importance of the children within the books.In Little House on the Prairie the family is already formed, but the homestead is not. The opposite line occurs in Sarah, Plain and Tall, where the homestead is in place but the family is not quite complete until Sarah travels from Maine to live with Jacob, Anna and Caleb. In both books, all of the characters are very similar. Charles and Jacob, the fathers in the books, are seen as very strong willed, pleasing and appear to be capable fork outrs. The fathers in both of these books are in control of their families and do whatever is necessary to provide. On many do Charles travels to Independence to get food for his family and he also hunts and traps animals to sell their fur. Although Jacobs acts of providing for his family are more stationary, he belongs hard on their farm to provide for them.The men may be hard workers and do the main part of the manual labor, but the women also do their share to contribute to the victory of the family. In Sarah, Plain and Tall the roof needs repaired and a act is on the way. Jacob tells Sarah that he needs to hatful the roof and she replies, We will fix the roof. (46). Sarah and Caroline are both willing to do their share of work on the prairie. Caroline helps Charles build their house on the prairie. Pa lifted one end of a log onto the wall, then Ma held it whi le he lifted the other end(58). Sarah also insists that Jacob should teach her how to driveway the wagon because she wants to go into town to get supplies.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Grisham Essay -- essays research papers
John Grisham once said of his own writing, I write bewitch readers. This isnt serious literature. (John Grisham CLC, 189) Serious literature or not, Grisham has written nightspot best-selling novels, many of which were also made into very successful movies. in front scoop breaking to write transactionally, Grisham was a lawyer in Southhaven, Mississippi, which has provided him with plentiful ideas for intelligent storylines. In many of his novels, Grisham has on ongoing link of novice lawyers who bring out and overcome flaws in the licit system.Influences during Grishams childhood and adult life have helped to shape his writing career. His family moved around a owing(p) deal during his childhood. Eventually, they settled in Southaven, Mississippi. (Brandstrom, 2) Grisham was an athlete in high nurture and decided he was going to suffer either vocational football game or baseball. After high school, he went to Northwest Junior College to play baseball. After one famil y, he transferred to Delta State for more baseball opportunities. mend at Delta State, his grades suffered and he decided he wasnt ment to be a baseball player. In 1975 Grisham transferred again to Mississippi State University as and accountancy major. (2) While at MSU, he started writing two books, neither of which was finished. (3) In 1977, Grisham received an undergraduate degree in accounting from MSU. He thence went to the University of Mississippi and received his law degree in 1981. Grisham went back to Southaven in 1982 and established his first law firm. One year later, he was pick out to the Mississippi House of Representatives.(1) He now had he judgment of conviction to start a new book, which he finished in 1985. He called it Deathknell, exclusively the publisher changed to name to A Time to Kill. The book published a mere five thousand copies during the first print. Grisham immediately went to work on his second book called The Firm. This hugely successful started Grisham on his new profession as an author. He moved to Oxford and has been writing one book per year ever since. Grishams courtroom skills never suffered and in 1996 he took time off from writing to return to the place where his career began, the courtroom. This was to fulfill a promise he made to the family of a railroad man killed at work. He prepared the case with the same passion as the characters he writes about and won the biggest verdict of h... ... haunt him. Brock learns that Hardy had been in and out of homeless shelters most of his life, but he had recently begun paying lease in a rundown building that means he has legal recourse when a big money-making outfit such as Sweeny & Drake boots him with no warning. When Brock realizes that his profession caters to the morally challenged, he sets out on an aimless front through the rougher side of D.C., ending up at the 14th passage Legal Clinic. The clinics director, a large man named Mordecai Green, woos Brock to the clin ic with a $90,000 cut in pay and the chance to redeem his soul. Brock takes it--and some of the storys credibility along with it its lumbering to believe that a Yale graduate who sacrificed everything--including his marriage--to succeed in the legal profession would quickly jump at the opportunity for low-paying, charitable work.(56-90) Brock settles the dispute of the falsely evicted squatters and thus solves a problem within the legal system. Now, it may count as though Michael Brock is not a novice lawyer. In reality, he is not novice to law, but he is very much a novice to street law. Although this is a new twist, Grishams link continue in this story.
Technology and its Power :: essays research papers
These days, technology is one of the most important things in our modern lives. It has make our lives more convenient. But have we ever sat back and archetype about the effect of its power on our society? engineering has influenced on essential things in our lives. Have you ever thought that what our society pull up stakes become in the next decade with the fast-growing technology? Technology and its power has the strong influences on our society that we hindquarters not achieve if we dont sit back and think about it.The Internet and the World big Web be creating networks of human connection unthinkable even a few years ago? (Tannen, 647). The Internet is one kind of technologies that has helped masses many things in our lives and if without it, we would not know what to do instead. E-mail gave me the take on to be in touch with someone who dying cold off? (Tannen 646). People can get in touch with others who live far outdoor(a) in only a second by send an e -mail or making a phone call. People can even look at each others when they are far away by using webcam over the Internet or making a video phone. Technology can make im mathematical things to become possible ones. ?When my friend Larry died, how much it meant that the telephone made it possible to spend a day talking to others who knew him. How much it meant that Larry said goodbye. This is a gift he gave me, and technology made it possible.? Technology and its power encourage people to do things that they can not do without technology. For example, I would had left my country, Vietnam, coming to the States because I knew that I can keep in touch with my relatives and my friends who are in Vietnam easily by using the Internet or telephone anytime I ask to. By reading ?The library card? in our textbook, I know that African-American could not read some kinds of books in the early of twentieth century. ?There was a huge library go up the riverfront, but I knew that Negros were not allowed to patronize its selves any more than they were the put and playgrounds of the city? (Wright, 136). If technology had grown at that time, everybody would have read what they want to read without going to a library.
Monday, March 25, 2019
My Educational Philosophy Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teaching
My Educational Philosophy To secernate my educational philosophy, I undeniable to combine two philosophers into one qualification it my own. I plan to explain my philosophical view by discussing the point of public education in society. I felt that essentialism, popularized by William Bagley, and progressivism, light-emitting diode by John Dewey, best described my attitudes and views towards education. I feel the boilersuit purpose of education is to teach students traditional academic subjects such as math, reading and writing, social studies, the sciences, music, art, computer science, health, and physical education. These classes are the foundation needed by students to survive in todays society. However, I besides believe that some students need activities that satisfy personal needs. Some stud...
Case Study for AcuScan, Inc :: Business Management Essays
Case Study for AcuScan, IncI am the newly employ Vice President of Organizational Development. My responsibilities include creating the Organizational Development Department. I look forward to working with all of you especially with finding a new and improved harvest-feast based on our already authentic retinene scanning system iScanner. First of all I am going to discuss assumptions made by Kelly Thomas, whack Lambert, Cliff OConnor and Chris Martinas. After each employee assumptions will be their arguments and my evaluation of whether the argument is labored or unsound and why.Kelly Thomas Senior Engineer, Product Development1. imitation that Pat, Director of Marketing knew nothing about QC (quality control).2. pretended that all the features for the retinal scanner could not be developed in the time material body allotted. 3. fake that due to lay-offs last year they would not have the mental faculty to develop a new product.4. Assumed the customer would be unretentive changed because the company may not be able to comply with the customers expectations.5. Assumed Pat did not have any technology experience because his retiring(a) experience was with the cereal business.6. Assumed Pat was going behind his rear end because Pat spoke to the programmers first without consulting with Kelly.Kelly argued that new product was much more complicated to produce than Pat had implied. He also argued that Pat had no understanding as to how the iScanner worked and would have a better understanding if Pat took the time to involve him in other areas of the business not except marketing. Kellys argument was logical and sound because he based his last on the time it took the staff to develop the iScanner. Past history of creating a new product can give you an idea of how long it would reduce to produce a new product. He also did not necessitate to jeopardize his reputation or the companys by producing and unsatisfactory product.Pat Lambert Director of Mark eting1. Assumed the new product would be a simple addition to the new product.2. Assumed programmers had mussiness of time to work on new product even though he knew staff was cut last year. 3. Assumed because they were not agreeing with him they were not committed to the new product.4. Assumed that the job could be done by outside contractors in the specified time frame. Also with money world a problem.5. Assumed a meeting would resolve all problems.6. Assumed the customer would be happy with whatever product was developed and launched.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
The Womens Rights Movememnt :: Feminism Feminist Equality Discrimination Essays
The Womens Rights Movememnt Never doubt that a puny group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has. That was Margaret Meads cultivation after a lifetime of observing very diverse cultures about the world. Her insight has been borne out time and again through with(predicate)out the development of this artless of ours. Being allowed to live life in an atmosphere of religious freedom, having a voice in the g everywherenment you support with your taxes, living free of lifelong enslavement by a nonher person. These beliefs about how life should and must be lived were once considered outlandish by many. But these beliefs were fervently held by visionaries whose unchangeable work brought about changed minds and attitudes. Now these beliefs are commonly shared crossways U.S. society. Another initially outlandish idea that has move up to pass get together States citizenship for women. 1998 marks the 150th Anniversary of a movem ent by women to win full civil rights in this country. Over the past seven generations, striking social and legal changes accommodate been accomplished that are now so accepted that they go unnoticed by people whose lives they have abruptly changed. Many people who have lived through the recent decades of this process have come to accept blithely what has transpired. And younger people, for the most part, can merely believe life was ever otherwise. They take the changes completely in stride, as how life has always been. The staggering changes for women that have come about over those seven generations in family life, in religion, in government, in employment, in statement - these changes did not just happen spontaneously. Women themselves made these changes happen, very deliberately. Women have not been the passive recipients of miraculous changes in laws and human nature. Seven generations of women have come together to affect these changes in the most democratic ways through meetings, petition drives, lobbying, public speaking, and nonviolent resistance. They have worked very deliberately to prepare a better world, and they have succeeded hugely. Throughout 1998, the 150th anniversary of the Womens Rights tendency is being celebrated across the nation with programs and events taking every unionize imaginable. Like many amazing stories, the history of the Womens Rights Movement began with a small group of people questioning why human lives were being unfairly constricted. A Tea Launches a RevolutionThe Womens Rights Movement marks July 13, 1848 as its beginning.
Plagiarism On The Increase Essay -- Writing Cheating Essays
Plagiarism attends to be an change magnitude problem in todays society, especially on college and university campuses, with the immense resources presently available to plenty. Previously, individuals were restricted to finding information in resources such as books, magazines, journals, encyclopedias and newspapers, but with the technology and the growth and popularity of the Internet, plagiarism has very become an issue. There seems to be a direct correlation with the increasing use of the Internet and decreasing amount in student writing. defines plagiarism as the improper use, or failure to attribute, another persons writings or ideas. Plagiarism can actually include such things as copying, downloading or merely altering facts and data from published work, such as websites, books, encyclopedias or magazines, copying from friends or anothers work, using media without acknowledgment from the original source or citing the source in a bibliography and using w ork from another branch without permission from professors. There is also plagiarism that occurs accidentally. Accidental plagiarism occurs when a writer does not intend to plagiarize, but fails to cite his or her sources whole and correctly. An tremendous misunderstanding that many students tend to have is that when they throw information in their own words, which is called paraphrasing, they are not committing plagiarism. However, it is plagiarism until they flop reference where they actually received the information Obviously, plagiarism involves a enormous number of factors and our concern. In this day and age, students are faced with huge amounts of haul to produce many assignments and get good grades. They may resort to plagia... ...g a chocolate bar from a local convenience store and thievery another persons ideas and work? Both of these situations are wrong , yet people continue to become involved in these illegal actions. People seem to be taking advantage of t he immense resources in the world today, especially because computers and the Internet have become a necessity, instead of a luxury, in households. Certainly, the Internet is an excellent source of information, only if it is used wisely and cautiously. ReferencesWhats revile With Copying?. Economist. April 1997. Pg 77-78.Your Idea Is Brilliant Glad I Thought Of It. Fortune. October 2000. Pg 412.Cybercheats. bran-new Republic. March 1998. Pg 14-15.Online. 2000Online. 2001.Online. 2001.Online. 1996.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Homosexual Indifference :: Free Essays Online
Homosexual Indifference The times seem to be changing in acceptance of homosexual relationships for the better, but many laws as considerably as society still prohibit homophile marriage and adoption. on that point argon two sources which I will use to show different view points on gay marriage and adoption. The first is an article written by Andrew Sullivan, titled Let Gays Marry. This is written as an informal wear round to argue that gay people should be allowed to marry one another. The close is also on gay marriage, but in this article, Leave man and wife Alone, author William Bennett writes that it is wrong for gays to marry. These two authors show separate feelings on the bit of gay marriage, while attempting to persuade the readers to agree with them. Each of these articles have worth(predicate) arguments, but will they be enough to change peoples views, to benefit their beliefs? Beginning with the topic on gay marriage and the arguab le battle between authors, Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett, Sullivan is the gay supporter. In Sullivans piece, Let Gays Marry, he opens with a statement by the Supreme Court, A state cannot keep back a class of persons a stranger to its laws. He feels that this simple convict has so much meaning, saying that whatever type of person, male or female, black or white, everyone deserves the same legal protection and equal rights. Therefore, gay marriage should not be excluded from the legal system. He tells that some churches convention different beliefs and may oppose gay marriage but righteousness has nothing to do with the state appeals. Sullivan explains how the definition of marriage has changed in the bypast and that it can be done again. Sullivan ends his piece by saying that changing the law would not affect straight couples, so why are they against gay marriage? He believes the change would allow gay couples to eff what straight couples already have. On the oth er hand, William Bennett, author of Leave labor union Alone, feels that the right for gays to marry should not come into effect. He begins by intercommunicate if gay marriage will benefit the institution. He fears that if this law was passed the unfeigned meaning of marriage would be altered and destroyed.
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